
Utazó otthont alakított ki magának a család, hogy bejárhassák a világot

  • Szerző:nuus
  • 2018.03.21 | 18:13

Négy hónap kemény munka és 5700 dollár befektetése után az egyszerű teherautóból utazó otthon lett, amivel Lamar, Ashley, Everly járja az utakat, kutyusukkal, Beiruttal.

A család először 2016 nyarán indult útnak, hogy 11 hetet utazással töltsön: ezalatt 48 államba látogattak el. Hamarosan rájöttek, hogy az utazás az életük, ezért azóta a házaspár és kislányuk folyamatosan úton vannak.

„Minimalista nomádok vagyunk, az energiát főként a napból nyerjük. Nincsenek fölösleges tárgyaink, és kizárólag a mának élünk”

– így szól a Fite-család hitvallása, akik egy Ford Transitot alakítottak otthonukká:

A család Instagram-oldalát több mint 20 ezren követik:

I’m currently reading The 5 Second Rule. I had the privilege to meet the author @melrobbinslive in San Antonio last year. She had an electric energy and confidence that made you want to listen to each word that came magnetically out of her mouth. The basic idea of the book is that we all have a five second window between your desire to change your life for the better and your mind killing your impulse to act on it. Sometimes what you’re afraid of is the very thing that sets you free. I think the biggest hurdle I faced when I decided to convert a van was my own mental construct of how life as a married couple with a toddler should look. My fear switch was turned on by comparing my life to others. Comparison really is the thief of joy. I fall victim to that awful habit more than I’d like to admit. The crazy thing is, the world doesn’t need a bunch of people who are exactly the same. The world needs uniqueness. It needs authenticity. Comparison doesn’t just steal joy and bring fear, but it takes away the vibrance and incredible thing that is YOU. Embracing our own ideas and chasing a lifestyle of adventure set us free in so many ways. The next time you feel inspired to act, don’t let fear or comparison get in your way. Count down from 5 and ACT. Have a great weekend! ?@jasperkphoto

The Fites•Mars|Ash|Ever|Beirut (@fitetravels) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Honey, I’m home :):):):) We minimalized our lives so we could focus on the things that matter most to us: family, adventure, creativity and big dreams. Though some people may enjoy a 9-5, that life just wasn’t for us. Since graduating college, we’ve taken jobs that allow us to use our strengths without feeling stifled by corporate walls…which means it’s been a lot of hustling and a lot of faith that the right doors will open at the right time. It’s stressful at times, but always amazing to see how God works things out in unexpected ways. After five weeks away, I’m SO HAPPY to be home with you, wherever that may be. 🙂 We aren’t at the end goal yet, but I can tell we are on our way. @marsfitetravels

The Fites•Mars|Ash|Ever|Beirut (@fitetravels) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Auto show season is about to come to a close..for those of you who don’t know, traveling as a product specialist/presenter is one of the ways I contribute to make this lifestyle work for us. • It’s been a really busy start to 2018, which means lately I’ve been away more days than I’ve been home. I can’t tell you how excited I am to be getting back to Colorado today to enjoy vanlife with my crew. @marsfitetravels just took a job as a market lead in Denver for a two month marketing program to help launch a new startup, and I will be full-time mommy finding all of the fun things in and around Denver with Ev. • Teamwork makes the dream work is pretty cheesy, but super true. We all need a cheering section. Creating a family life that’s more like a team is difficult and takes practice just like anything else. I never played sports..so maybe I’m not the best to elaborate on this, but I feel like there’s a speech in this somewhere. There is something incredible about supporting each other and accomplishing goals together. • Even if you aren’t wanting to do something like live in a van, find your team and help each other work toward a common vision. It has helped me to be more selfless, communicate better and to be more creative and focused. • Tell me about your team! What common goals are you working toward? What have you learned from these relationships?

The Fites•Mars|Ash|Ever|Beirut (@fitetravels) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Finally some warmer weather is on its way! Spring and Fall are my two favorite seasons. I love the crispness of the air and the nostalgic feeling of change that they bring with them. #Vanlife makes change one of our only constants, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Change is one of those things feared by so many people. I find myself often at the other end of the spectrum fearing routine, but I’ve embraced creating small routines each day to make our life feel somewhat more normal. Routines give us the ability to prioritize and actually get things done. Life often feels like a big balancing act, and I guess it kind of is. How about you? What are some ways you incorporate routines or create balance in your life? Do you love change or love routine?

The Fites•Mars|Ash|Ever|Beirut (@fitetravels) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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  • 2024. 04. 23.