
Öt nap alatt készült el a több mint 22 ezer dominóból álló Pikachu

  • Szerző:nuus
  • 2017.07.20 | 09:13

A Kentucky-állambeli Louisville városában építgeti lakásában a lenyűgözőbbnél-lenyűgözőbb alkotásokat a magát csak szerényen "The Domino King-nek" nevező srác.

Számtalan videót feltöltött már, de legutóbb a Pokémon egyik kedvenc karakterének, Pikachunak adott tiszteletet a maga módján. Összesen öt napba telt, mire felépítette a terepet és összesen 22170 dominőra volt szüksége hozzá.

Pikachu “Pokemon of the Month” (IN 22,177 DOMINOES!)

Pikachu, the lovable and most iconic Pokemon in existence. I’ve created Pikachu themed setups in the past but this was the first time I had enough yellow dominoes to build a full body Pikachu. When I was almost done with this setup I decided to incorporate the Pokemon trainer Red in the video.

De megépítette már Yoshit is, Super Mario hű segítőtársát:

Yoshi (IN 16,636 DOMINOES!)

The lovable Yoshi in dominoes. For the past year I’ve been receiving comments to make Yoshi in dominoes, I finally made a video dedicated to one of the most beloved characters in the Mario series. Overall this video was put together in 5 days (around 4-5 hours of work each day) with a total of 16,636 dominoes used in the video.

Vagy éppen a Zelda nevű játék egyik fő karakterét, Linket:

The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker “In 78,175 Dominoes!”

This video was inspired by PeanutButterGamers Zelda Month. After 5 years of being on YouTube I finally made a Zelda themed video, and what better than The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker.

Itt van Sonic is:

Sonic the Hedgehog (In 56,653 Dominoes!)

Over 2 weeks of building I present to you Sonic the Hedgehog In Dominoes. I’m not a fan of the Sonic games, actually I’ve never enjoyed playing one, However I enjoy the characters and I understand why people love them.

Sőt, Deadpool is elég lenyűgöző:

Deadpool – In 16,310 Dominoes!

Marvel just released one of the best things I’ve ever seen “Deadpool the movie!” I’ve always been a Deadpool fan but this movie was done so well, not to mention that it’s rated R which was perfect because if you didn’t know Deadpool is SUPER raunchy.

De BB-8 is beköszön:

Star Wars BB-8 Droid (In 6,946 Dominoes)

I was able to build everything in under 7 hours, with a total of 6,946 dominoes used. Everything worked perfectly in this video. If you enjoyed this video and would like to help support this channel be sure to Like, Comment, Subscribe, and Share this video anyway that you can I greatly appreciate it.

Fotó: YouTube

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