
Eltávolították a testpozitív modell extra bőrét fogyás után, kitört a botrány

  • Szerző:nuus
  • 2017.11.18 | 09:13

Amanda Roberts azt hirdeti, hogy szeressük testünket, ahogy van, ezért rajongói szerint árulás, hogy a fogyás utáni extra bőrtől műtéti úton szabadult meg.

Amanda, vagyis Mandas_Muffintop nemrég csaknem 70 kilótól szabadult meg, aminek következtében 6,3 kiló fölösleges bőr maradt a testén.

Today for #tummylovethursday I’m throwing it back to about a year ago when I made the decision to overcome one of my greatest fears and workout at an open gym in just my sports bra and leggings, loose skin and all. I wanted to show everyone that ALL Bodies Are Gym Bodies, and it is possible to get a good workout in at any size or shape. I also wanted to show that it isn’t only the “smaller” sized women who are “allowed” to workout in just their sports bra. I had lost 150lbs at this point and I wanted to finally be proud of all that my body was- and that 100% included my loose skin. I hope you all are so proud of your Bodies, because your body is amazing, and you are worthy of an endless amount of self love.

Amanda Roberts (@mandas_muffintop) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Amanda a csodás fogyás után nehezen birkózott meg az extra bőrrel, ami nem csak esztétikailag zavarta, de a mozgást is megnehezítette. Ezért műtétet vállalt:

You can love yourself and change yourself at the same time. . So many people have it engrained in their mind that to be a part of the body positivity community, especially here on IG, they aren’t allowed to change. Some BoPo community members shame those of us who decided to change our bodies for our health, or to just be more comfortable in our own skin. I’m here to tell you that you are allowed to do WHATEVER you want with your body, and still love it. It’s YOUR body, YOUR life- not anyone else’s. So don’t let anyone shame you. Don’t let anyone shame you into changing if you don’t want to. Don’t let anyone shame you into staying the same if you want to change. SHAME IS NOT OKAY ON EITHER SIDE OF THE SPECTRUM. . I loved myself at 330lbs on the left. I loved myself at 180lbs with loose skin. And I love myself now at 185lbs with my scars. I decided to change myself BECAUSE I love myself. This my my journey, and I’m proud of it. I hope you are proud of whatever journey you are on, too.

Amanda Roberts (@mandas_muffintop) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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