
Ezekkel a képekkel vágott vissza a kilógó melltartópánt miatt megalázott tini

  • Szerző:nuus
  • 2017.04.24 | 07:45

A hatodikos amerikai lányt, Molly Neunert azért hurcolták meg az iskolában tanárai, mert topja alól kilógott melltartópántja.

A kislányt az egyik tanára hívta ki, hogy az egész évfolyam előtt is lemérje a kérdéses felső hosszát, illetve felhívja a figyelmet a kilógó – szerinte kamaszfiúk figyelmét elvonó – melltartópántra, majd büntetést szabjon ki a dresscode-ot sértő kihágás miatt.

Molly csak először jött zavarba, néhány napon belül pöpec kis tüntetést szervezett az iskola többi diákjával, hogy felhívja a figyelmet a kamaszlányokat érintő rút diszkriminációra. “Nem egy melltartópánt vagy egy rövid szoknya miatt nem tudnak figyelni a fiúk! Ha leszid egy tanár a ruhám miatt, azzal azt üzeni, hogy szégyellnem és rejtegetnem kell a testemet” – fakadt ki.

Az #IAmNotADistraction (nemvonomelafigyelmet) fedőnéven futó akció keretében több tinilány az Instagramon is tiltakozott a túl szigorú házirend miatt:

This girl… I have no words for her bravery… Today has been quite a day. We woke up to our strong, brave, beautiful girl on the front page of the paper. When we agreed to be part of the article, I thought that the article would be tucked in the back page of the opinion section. But instead, there she was, front and center standing up for herself for all to see. Some may read this and think it’s “just a strap” or that “rules were meant to be followed” or that “girls should cover up” or (my personal favorite) “it’s a distraction to boys.” But my question to you is, why? Why do you feel like this? Why do you jump to those conclusions? It’s because of what we are taught. We have been taught to mask our own feelings and stay small and not make waves. We are taught that our bodies are inherently sexual objects that WE need to cover so WE stay safe. Well, no longer my friends. We need to stand up for ourselves and our for children. We need to teach our beautiful, young, innocent daughters that their bodies are beautiful and powerful and their own to display or portray in any way they wish WITHOUT consequence. And we need to teach our young, kind, brave sons that they are smart and strong and capable of controlling their own bodies. And don’t even get me started on the issues of the LGBTQ kids who are completely overlooked on this issue. The other piece that this amazing story left out is that last week, the students in my daughter’s class had a meeting to review dress code. In that meeting there were many questions about the girls rules and when one of the students asked why the girls had so many rule they were told that it was because they were a distraction to the boys… I’ll let that sink in for a minute… And maybe you need another minute… It is 2017 after all. And while the school has assured us that this is not the opinion of the school, the dress code still stands in place until the end of the year. This is not just about a tank top, it’s about years of underlying messages of shame to our girls that MUST stop. #mybodymybusiness #iamnotadistraction #iammorethanadistraction

Christina Neuner ? (@christinaneuner) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Hazaküldték átöltözni, mert a rövid szoknyában “túl szexi” volt:

Ennek a 17 éves lánynak nyilvánosan mérték le túl rövid ruháját, és megbüntették, mert “a harisnyát nadrágként viselte”:

A 17 year old student in school was dress coded during 3rd period because her dress was too short, and leggings are not to be worn as pants. Then, the principal had to make her kneel down onto her knees to measure the dress, with her parents watching, making her feel extremely uncomfortable and embarrassed. Dress codes in schools are ridiculous, and need to be changed so that girls don’t feel sexualized while trying to learn. The worse part about this, is that while waiting for her parents to arrive to school, she was forced to wait in the office for 2 hours instead of going back to class to learn. Do you think this kind of behavior from schools is appropriate, and that they should be wasting class time to dress code one student because her dress was above 6 inches from the knee, while wearing leggings? Comment your thoughts down below, and tell us if you think this dress was in dress code, or if it was right to make her go home to change. @8thgraderscanchangetheworld #8thgraderscanchangetheworld #iammorethanadistraction #genderequality #dresscode #makeachange #dresses

I Am More Than A Distraction (@dresscodeawareness) által megosztott bejegyzés,

És akkor most így takarjuk el a melltartópántot, hogy mindenki tudjon a matekra figyelni? – kérdezi a lány.

Hiába, a mai 13 éveseket nem lehet csak úgy megalázni.

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