
Tetkó, fitnesztest, barna bőr és szőkeség: Florida tele van olyan dögös csajokkal, mint Lynsay

  • Szerző:nuus
  • 2017.12.15 | 14:43

Valami lehet ott a vízben, vagy a levegőben, vagy mindkettőben.

Lynsay Brown foglalkozására nézve bikinimodell, aki sokat fitneszezik. Unalmas élete lehet, amiben csak az a tudat jeletheti a megnyugvást, hogy Lynsay jócsaj.

Your body is a reflection of your lifestyle. I used to get annoyed when random strangers would come up to me when I’m out grabbing a coffee or running errands and ask “You workout?” or say “Wow, you’re fit!” Like, no I haven’t lifted a weight in my life clearly and, yes, I’m fit thanks for pointing it out to me haha. But I love it now and it’s a big motivating factor for me. For someone to look at me and know just based on my appearance and strong looking physique and say “wow” or think to themselves, “I want to look like that” is amazing and drives me to perform and grind even harder day in and day out. Find what you love, find your passion, what gets you out of bed every morning fired up and do it every damn day. And then spread that passion and knowledge as best as you can because you never know who you’re inspiring or motivating in the process. I’m so happy I started my fitness and competing journey just 2 years ago and love the physical and mental strength I have gained from it. I can’t wait to see what else is in store for the future. #WorkHarder #MondayMotivation ? – ? @ohrangutang ? @cristinapilo . . . . . #fit #fitness #fitfam #fitspo #fitspiration #fitnessmotivation #fitnessinspiration #motivation #motivate #inspiration #inspire #girlswholift #girlswithmuscles #strongwomen #strongnotskinny #fitgirl #fitgirls #fitnessgirl #fitnessgirls #fitchick #fitchicks #fitnessmodel #fitnessmodels #bossbabe #fitbody #strong #physique #bodybuilding

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