
Ez a tini jobban hasonlít Lady Gagára, mint maga Lady Gaga

  • Szerző:nuus
  • 2017.11.14 | 19:16

Szegény Gaga az elmúlt időszakban krónikus betegsége miatt csak önmaga árnyéka lehetett, egy fiatal rajongója ezalatt azonban lekoppintotta imázsát.

Amethyst Rose-ról annyit tudni, hogy 18 éves, nagy rajongója Gagának, és örömmel ölti magára a pophercegnő külső jegyeit is. Tagadhatatlanul jól áll neki:

I’m so excited for my human hair wig to get here! I think I’m going to dye it pastel pink? I’m not sure yet! Lol

Amethyst Rose (Myst) (@amethystbby) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Let me go on a little rant today just because it’s been a common thing being brought up lately. Just because I am curvy doesn’t mean I always liked being this way! I have been curvy since I hit puberty and unfortunately it made me appear a lot older and in result I would get harassed by a lot of older men. I remember never wanting to go anywhere without having a baggy t shirt on because I was always being hit on. When I would kindly say I’m only 13 it would result in either being harassed even more or having men tell me I was tricking them and I would get into a lot of trouble one day. The main reason of why my eating disorder started is because I wanted to get rid of any curve on my body especially my boobs since they always seemed to show even through a baggy t shirt. I’ve learned to accept my body and love it for what it is now. I just wanted to let you know that just because someone is pretty or has a “perfect body” doesn’t mean they once didn’t like it. I have every right to talk about my problems I had before with not loving my body. Don’t ever let someone tell you that your problems aren’t significant enough. If you have a problem, whatever it may be, and you feel you need help GET THAT HELP. Don’t let anyone downgrade you or compare problems to make you feel like yours isn’t as bad. Our minds are very strong and we all work differently so make sure you’re caring for your mind despite what others say. This rant kinda went all wacky as most of mine do but anyways I just wanted to let everyone know that if you’re having a rough time please take care of it ☺️ stay healthy and happy #ootd

Amethyst Rose (Myst) (@amethystbby) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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  • szerző:nuus
  • 2024. 04. 30.