
Emberek, cenzúrázatlanul – izgalmas, új fotóprojekt a testünk szeretetéről

  • Szerző:nuus
  • 2018.02.22 | 19:47

Lacey Barratt ausztrál szülésfotós és dúla indította útjára a Humans Uncensored Projectet, amelynek lényege, hogy ráébressze a nőket: ha gyűlölik testüket, azzal a gyereküket is bántják.

Sok nő elégedetlen anyukatestével, és állandóan megjegyzéseket tesz arra, ahogy kinéz – a kisgyerekei előtt is. De vajon hogyan is érezhetné jól magát a bőrében egy olyan gyerek, akinek anyja gyűlöli a testet, amelyből ő megszületett?

– teszi fel a kérdést a művész, aki fotósként több száz szülést kísért már végig, és friss anyukák mentoraként a nők önbizalomproblémáit is jól ismeri.

Lacey Barratt maga is öt gyerek anyukája, és Humans Uncensored Project című kezdeményezése egyre népszerűbb.

Who set the standard for what pretty is? Who said thin is pretty and who said larger was ugly or unacceptable? Did we do this as a collective? Is it the constant visual aids from marketing? Is it the poor marketing skills that ‘sex sells’ that constantly reminds us that we aren’t worthy? Or sufficient? Join me as I go on this quest to understand our bodies, why we see them the way we see them, and how society is impacting the way we feel about our bodies. Men. Women. Children. 10 kids. No kids. We all feel the pressure. If it makes adults feel this way, what is it doing to our children? Watch this space for a little trailer of what I am working on for the project. #humansuncensoredproject www.laceybarratt.com.au media —> Diimex . . . . . . #humansuncensored #Melbourne #selfworth #bodyimage #bodyimagemovement #positivebodyimage #document #documentary #birthphotographer #laceybarratt #humansuncensoredproject

Lacey Barratt (@laceybarrattphotography) által megosztott bejegyzés,

This is a feeling we all know. Be it after a miscarriage. A sexual encounter we willingly or unwillingly experienced. Leaving a partner. Birth trauma. Parenting fails. Body image. We all reach point where we are vulnerable and naked. Alone. Wishing someone would reach out to us because we are too afraid to reach out to someone else. Or too ashamed. Or feel too guilty. Or fear being judged for our decision. . Depression isolates you. Shame is like a cancer. Rapidly growing. Rapidly spreading. Multiplying uncontrollably…fear calls it’s best friend, shame, who then calls his cousin, guilt, who then calls her sister-in-law, piece of shit, who then calls her daddy- depression. It’s a rabbit hole. When we are isolated, we are vulnerable to fear. Making us a target for all of fears friends. . Reach out. Fear stops us from speaking out and having the support we need to exist. . . #melbourne #fearnot #fear #laceybarratt #melbournebirthphotographer

Lacey Barratt (@laceybarrattphotography) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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