
Nem semmi: 89 éves – és szupermodell

  • Szerző:nuus
  • 2018.01.26 | 16:46

Daphne Selfe nem csak az Instagramon sztár, több évtizedes modellkarrier áll mögötte. Most, 89 esztendősen is aktív.

A még mindig sugárzóan szép idős hölgy 1949 óta dolgozik modellként. Büszke arra, hogy hiába dolgozik régóta a szépségiparban, a ráncaival együtt volt képes öregedni, plasztikai műtétek sorozata nélkül. Daphne egyébként Londonban él, és legutóbb egy szempillaspirál-kampány arcaként tűnt fel.

What’s New? What’s new for you this year? This time of year is often a time for deciding new goals and for making a framework for the year. Learning new things is key I believe in keeping a fresh and youthful outlook. Being naturally curious and willing to try new things has kept me in good stead. ‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’ has been a useful motto! It’s not always easy and sometimes there are frustrations along the way but the joy of adapting and having a new skill, outlook, or more knowledge really overcomes these negatives in a big positive way. I’m sure I’m not the only one who struggles with technology – why do my photos, as far as I can tell, disappear into thin air from my laptop, iPad or iPhone? Where they get too, how to find them and importantly how not to panic and stay calm in the midst of it all is something I’m constantly working on… As a model for many years my work has always been about the photographs so they are important to me and I love my photos of my travels, friends & family – and the cats I meet of course! But nowadays video is everywhere and for this year 2018 I’m determined to get better on this medium of the movie camera. Interviews, modelling or dancing I’ve done for sometime and am familiar with, it’s speaking to camera that has it challenges. How to remember what I want to say while looking at the camera being the big one. Especially as I forget more than a few prepared words and an autocue is too small for my declining eye-sight! Well, it’s a work in progress and together with The Model Minder and with some creative thinking ‘out of the box’ I’m making progress. You can see my latest attempt by clicking on the image below (it’s not perfect but it will get better). What’s New with you – what new things are you taking on this year – big or small? Is there a favourite motto that helps you? Do let me know as I’d love to hear from you. To view my latest video click on the link in my profile to see what you think. My 4 week online Confidence Course is starting next week. If you’ve missed the information you can find all the details on my website link in my profile where you can sign up for your place.

Daphne Selfe (@daphneselfe) által megosztott bejegyzés,

WHAT NEW ADVENTURES? At the beginning of a New Year I always like to review the last. Looking back over the last year what are you grateful for? I’m grateful that I’m still modelling and in demand. I’ve done some fabulous jobs, met amazing people, worn beautiful clothes and visited new places. I’ve been able to be useful and contribute – I particularly love mentoring my Model Family (students who have taken my online courses). I’ve socialised with friends, seen art in many forms and had the support of my family and community. My curiosity is……… to continue reading click on the link: http://www.daphneselfe.com/what-new-adventures/ Looking back over the last year what are you grateful for and what are your goals and dreams for this year? Any adventures planned? Do let me know in the comments as I’d love to know. PS: I shall be running my 4 week online Confidence Course in January – Be Confident – Feel Beautiful. Find out more in my link in my profile and make sure you receive the details. #beyourownselfe I wish you joy, peace, health & happiness and for you to be the best you you can be in 2018 Wearing Prada Everlasting Grace Harpers Bazaar Netherlands #whatnewadventures @mrferryvandernat #ferryvandernat @bazaar_nl #bazaarnetherlands #everlastinggrace @roelschagen @jamesoxleyhair @emmareganmakeup #daphneselfe

Daphne Selfe (@daphneselfe) által megosztott bejegyzés,

TIMELESS ELEGANCE Timeless Elegance I hope is one of my Trademarks! Now, I’m in my late eighties with a big birthday coming up next Summer it has even more meaning and significance to me. I still feel the same inside as I’ve always felt but the reality is that wrinkles, grey hair and other attributes of being past the bloom of youth have crept in and demand to be embraced whether I like it or not. These I have to accept and get on with as there’s no use worrying about the things that can’t be changed. The things I do have control over are having a healthy and active lifestyle and how I express myself and be true to my character and personality. I was going to say whilst being…… go to my website (link in my profile) to read further http://www.daphneselfe.com/timeless-elegance/ What works for you? Do you struggle to find what is right for yourself? Any comments or tips to add would be most welcome. If you’re looking for Christmas shopping ideas do have a look at my SHOP http://www.daphneselfe.com/shop/ where you can buy vouchers for my Confidence Course (Be Confident – Feel Beautiful) & The Daphne Selfe Modelling Academy Course.

Daphne Selfe (@daphneselfe) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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