
Elmúltál már 18 éves?


Csupasz cicis fotót villantott Jessie J

  • Szerző:nuus
  • 2018.06.12 | 12:13

A 30 éves énekesnő magvas gondolatok kíséretében osztotta meg a fedetlen felsőtestű fotót, amin ugyan a mellbimbók kitakarásra kerülnek, de azért így is látunk eleget.

„Számomra igenis fontos, hogy másokat inspiráljak. Valódi vagyok, és tudom, hogy nem mindig sikerül újra és újra inspirálni ugyanazokat az embereket. Kizárt dolog, hogy mindenkit boldoggá tegyek. Lehetetlen, hogy olyan dolgokat csináljak, amelyekkel mindenki egyetért, amelyeket mindenki ért. Szóval inkább úgy élem az életem, ahogyan akarom”

– írta.

És mellékelte a szexességes fotót.

I don’t wish to be a role model. I want to be an inspiration. I have begun to realise that being a role model means that my actions are based on what someone else feels is right and wrong. And as soon as I break what a “role model” is to them, I will have let them down. It’s impossible for me to be a role model for completely different people. Who believe and love and hate different things. To INSPIRE is important to me. I’m being real, but again I know I can’t always inspire the same people over and over again. Basically it’s impossible for me to keep everyone happy. It’s impossible for me to do something that everyone agrees with or understands. So I just live my life as I wish to live it. Sometimes I even look back and will be disappointed and disagree with myself. But if i don’t experience and live and learn what’s the point? I stay hidden in my sensuality and freedom? Nah… I’m too old to live for other peoples wants from me. This picture is me celebrating my body and feeling free. It took me a long time to be comfortable with my breast size. I was teased at school and for a long time when I got older felt uncomfortable in a bikini etc… I have learnt to love my body. In its natural way. I’m celebrating that. Its my page, Its my choice and it’s my body. It’s just skin. Nipples are nipples. Some people can add emotion and a sexual twist on everything. I’m hyping all my women up! We are ALL QUEENS! I love women and want all women to LOVE their bodies. And I’m not going to leave myself out to please other people. ??‍♀️ Live your best life ladies. Enjoy exploring yourself. Emotionally, sensually, sexually, physically. Push yourself. Challenge yourself Love yourself! ❤ “l love my body. I love my skin. I am a goddess I am a queen” ? My album R.O.S.E. ? OUT NOW | Link in bio ? : @brianziff

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