
Grafikonok az élet nagy dolgairól, amik igazán fontosak

  • Szerző:nuus
  • 2018.02.26 | 08:43

Michelle Rial grafikus olyan dolgokról készít táblázatokat, amelyek valóban számítanak. Például arról, mennyire népszerű valójában a görögdinnye.

Az Apple-termékek kiadásának ciklusa:

me: airpods are ridiculous also me: *double taps right ear* “open instagram”

Michelle Rial (@realifecharts) által megosztott bejegyzés,

A 2017-es francia választások eredménye:

How do you say tbt in French #micronpen

Michelle Rial (@realifecharts) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Az Instás nyávogás Maslow-piramisa:

The delicate art of instagram bragging

Michelle Rial (@realifecharts) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Rossz dolog, nem érdemlem meg, jó dolog:

I’ve been pretty private about a chronic pain issue that’s been with me since 2011, when a (well-meaning?) yoga teacher lifted me into a headstand I wasn’t strong enough to sustain. I’ve lived with neck/shoulder/arm pain every single day since then. I also wasn’t really given a chance to heal initially –as a freelancer/contractor I needed to just Get Shit Done, and I had a bad ergonomic setup that I didn’t correct until things got much worse. Chairs are expensive! This was before ACA and my insurance was minimal, so I went to a Groupon chiropractor ? and my regular doctor was too busy pushing Gardasil to take me seriously. __ Before then, I’d been making the occasional chart. I fucking loooooved charts. I applied to jobs using infographics as cover letters. At Glamour, even though I was a producer/designer, I BEGGED them to let me “make content,” and they did, and I made charts. After the injury, complicated digital charts and infographics were hard on my body, but I loved making them. I later started making sets of simpler one-off charts for BuzzFeed and others (swipe the thing). __ Last year, things started to get worse and I had to get off the computer. I didn’t know if I was going to keep designing but I had to stop and figure out how to work in 2017 without relying on a computer (lol). __ In April I started making tiny analog charts, even though at the time it seemed like charts had already had their moment. After a while I started adding objects to make it even easier on me since drawing is still physically challenging. __ I got really into it thanks to #the100dayproject (? @elleluna ) and have been trying to make it into a Thing since then. Despite some severe confidence challenges, I had a “chart show” in SF a few months later, and ANYWAY I’M SO EXCITED to now be making a book of charts (Am I Overthinking This?) for @chroniclebooks !!!! ☺❤✨

Michelle Rial (@realifecharts) által megosztott bejegyzés,

A szabadság és a stabilitás paradoxona:

Tag yourself

Michelle Rial (@realifecharts) által megosztott bejegyzés,

2017 szelfijei:

Throwback to all the selfies we took in 2017 ??? tap image for captions ?

Michelle Rial (@realifecharts) által megosztott bejegyzés,

És persze a dinnye-ügy:

I knew the way you know about a good melon ? #seasonalfruit

Michelle Rial (@realifecharts) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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