
Így él egy modern boszorkány napjainkban

  • Szerző:nuus
  • 2019.05.30 | 18:41

Sabrina Scott 28 éves (tehát nem tini :D) boszorkány Kanadából, aki 7 éves kora óta spirituális gyakorlatokkal tarkított életet él édesanyjának köszönhetően.


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Happy Mothers Day to myself; I am my own mother 🌺

Sabrina Scott (@immateriality) által megosztott bejegyzés,


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I’ve been thinking a lot about #commitment. Commitment to other people, but also (and perhaps more importantly) to ourselves, our hopes and #dreams and #visions, our own projects and fire and passion and energy. Sometimes there’s the fear as a #freelancer, as someone who entirely runs my own show, that if I take even a second off everything will collapse. Intellectually I know it won’t. I think sometimes we need more than a night off with friends, or more than “taking a weekend,” we need like… an actual #reset. No phone no humans no clients no anything – just silence, city sounds, waves crashing. One or all of the above. When we run our own shows it’s never as simple as just “self care” and “boundaries” often have to be more extreme, and include with ourselves. What can it mean to commit to certain things? What can it mean to commit FULLY to ourselves above all else, and to be unwavering in this? No gods, no masters, etc? To have full #belief in the ship we built for ourselves, from dumpster wood, out of scraps? Held together with duct tape and crooked nails? Still floating tho, and sometimes I wanna just leave the boat and go out for a swim, even tho I don’t know how to swim. Just to float a while, away from the raft. Boat. Whatever it is. (That I’ve so proudly built.) I love the water, I find it so #healing – and water isn’t just literal water, it’s city streets, new places, grassy plains; wading through it all, aloft. One thing I’m planning to do over the next few weeks is to be a gentle tourist in my own city – try to fight the urge to leave, and instead root down and return. (I still might leave for a bit, ha.) Really wade in this place, which I know so well yet can never know. 🌚💋 #latergram #tbt #musings #reflections #staying

Sabrina Scott (@immateriality) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Sabrinát annak idején rengeteget cukkolták a tinis boszorkánysorozattal, ezért aztán hosszú ideig titokban tartotta, hogy valójában gyakorló boszorkány. Még a Harry Potter-sorozatot is utálta a benne rejlő tisztességes mágikus kontent miatt, hiszen sokan kinevették körülötte azokat, akik tényleg hittek ezekben a dolgokban.

Sabrina anyukája révén elsajátította a mágia tudományát, és barátságot kötött a gyógynövényekkel és kristályokkal is. Ma már nem szégyelli, hogy így él, hanem fiatal tanítványai is vannak. Úgy érzi, a boszorkányság olyasfajta tudás, ami mindenki és bárki számára hozzáférhető.


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Hi friends! Remember my interview with JV Johnson (of @scareacon) and @jchawes (of #ghosthunters) on @beyondrealityradio a few weeks back? Well now you can give it a listen yourself! Or at least the first hour – but the second hour I was doing #tarotreadings for listeners anyway haha. I talk about a lot of stuff, like my worldview around #witchcraft and the #environment, and how #magic is related to #environmentalism in my view. And I talk about what the name of the book #Witchbody means, which I’m shocked no one has ever asked me before. Link is in my bio (it’ll be the first link once you click the linktree within the first 24 or so hours of this post), and for posterity here is a YouTube link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2S3RJd6asKY and a link of just the audio itself: https://21133.mc.tritondigital.com/OMNY_BEYONDREALITYRADIOPODCAST_PODCAST_P/media-session/e735fe65-7279-41be-a246-de1c5cc13677/d/clips/4b5f9d6d-9214-48cb-8455-a73200038129/d1bf13bf-88d0-4446-bb26-a93f000c81b8/ed4c4ed3-4bd2-4459-af7d-aa3a00e1de13/audio/direct/t1556200064/Witchcraft_environment_-_Sabrina_Scott_-_042519.mp3?t=1556200064 🌟🌿 If you end up listening let me know what you think! 🌞🌹 #tarotcommunity #witchcraftcommunity #witchcommunity #witchesofig #witchesofinstagram #witchesofig #witchesofinsta #beyondrealityradio

Sabrina Scott (@immateriality) által megosztott bejegyzés,


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Thank you so much to @theparchment_crone for this lovely pic of my bookie #witchbody featured alongside other goodies from @thewitchsfix – I do love this dream tea from @thenewnewage!! @katie_joy gifted me some a bit ago and it’s been a gentle friend ever since! If you haven’t been to #hamont to check out this shop, what the hell are you waiting for? Fun bonus, I’ll be announcing a 4 week long workshop I am teaching there soon!! Keep your eyes peeled for this beautiful and soul enriching collaboration 👀🌞❤️ #witchesofig #witchesofinsta #witchyshop #witchyshopping #witchesoftoronto #torontowitch #witchcommunity #witchycommunity #witchyvibes #witchcraft #magic

Sabrina Scott (@immateriality) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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