
Expresszív és realisztikus képeket készít a tetoválóművész

  • Szerző:nuus
  • 2017.09.20 | 10:46

A Norvégiában élő, horvát származású tetkóművészről, Dino Tomicről korábban már írtunk: ő az, aki homokból és sóból készült alkotásokkal is dolgozik. Most épp realisztikus rajzait mutatjuk be.

Az örökkévalóságnak nem igen szentelhető homok és só képek után fogadjátok szeretettel a realisztikus, expresszív rajzokat, amelyek főként fantasy, sci-fi és horror könyvek hasábjain keresztül inspirálták a művészt.

Dino úgy véli, önálló stílusodat úgy találhatod meg a leginkább, ha híres művészeket másolsz: ezzel nem csak rengeteget tanulsz a kezdeti időkben, de felfedezed saját kereteidet és korlátlanságodat is.

My Large Color pencil portrait series ( swipe left) It took me 3 years to draw all of them with color pencils on paper Why do I repost my art? : It could be as simple as : dont have anything to post so il just share some more of my old work. But there is so much more to it ( at least for me ) . I very careful to post always the best and the newest work that i create ( without spamming everyone feed ) – with something that people would like to see and enjoy . Although i think im doing good work pretty much daily i still do have my favorite work that im most proud of – in this case it would be the large realistic family portraits series that i have done. All the social pages are designed today to feature the newest work – and all the work that im most proud of gets berried deep down in the feed where almost no one sees it anymore ( speaking as a user my self , i rarely scroll longer than 50-80 posts in a new profile that i discover ) And as everyone knows ; people who are active online get more and more followers -including me- so all the new followers would never see the old content if i would no re share it . I do so many different mediums and all kinds of projects that i would like to show everything. But what i would like to be remembered by are the things im most proud of – thats why i reshare my art =) During all these years i have been sharing tons and tons of my art but also all the ideas i have about the things i create/ and the world surrounding art. I think thats a important part of my artistic journey . because that way i feel more connected with all of you lovely people =D

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