
Millió mexikói pillangó, jöhet?

  • Szerző:nuus
  • 2018.09.17 | 10:46

A világ egyik legszebb természeti jelensége zajlik éppen.

Minden évben lélegzetelállítóan szép látvány, ahogyan a pompás királylepkék vonulnak.

Az évente útra kelő, csodaszép rovarok milliószám repülnek Délnyugat-Mexikó irányába, nagyjából ötezer kilométeren keresztül.


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Monarchs are migrating to Mexico now. This video is in Mexico. I Planted wildflowers this year to help them out. When we first moved here there were a few hundred acres out back. I took a walk one day and there were thousands upon thousands of various species fluttering around me. It was magical to feel such abundance. Since then a large part of that beautiful land has been turned into a gravel pit and the wildlife including the butterflies have mostly gone. Although the gravel pit isn’t directly affecting us, and isn’t in view, we want to help the butterflies and have been planting wildflowers to nourish them and the bees since they are important contributors to the diversity of our ecosystems. ??? . . #endangeredspecies #habitatloss . #monarchbutterflies #butterflies #wilderness #wildlife #wildflowers #migration #fall #september #beauty #nature #supportnature #lovenature #giveback

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