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22 kilót hízott a személyi edző, hogy a telt Insta-modellekre hasonlítson

  • Szerző:nuus
  • 2018.03.21 | 09:43

Katie Neeson valószínűtlenül vékony alkat volt pályája kezdetétől, ám két és fél évvel ezelőtt ráébredt: ő a szálkás modellek helyett a plus size szépségekre szeretne inkább hasonlítani.

Képeit nézve persze meg kell állapítanunk: nem csak zsír, azért izom is került rá jócskán. Az azelőtt 45 kilós szépség most, 67 kilósan néz ki igazán jól: ám ami ennél is fontosabb, egészséges, erős, jókedvű, és imád tükörbe nézni… a popsiját pedig az egész Kardashian-klán megirigyelné, az fix!

Mid week my motivation is always 50/50 especially as I’m not weight training this week.. however I have went swimming, walking and been doing stretching/mobility so I’m still staying active without going crazy in my mind LOL!? How do I stay motivated? Well I think about all the things I want to achieve in the next few months and how much more value there is going to be in my life when I am at my happiest doing, breathing and living the life that I love and dreamed of!? The only way is up, talk more with action. #squats #booty? #potd #transformation #gymgirl #gymselfie #fitfam #girlswholift #girlswhosquat #fitwomen #fitnessmotivation #motivation #bodypositive #inspo #humpdaymotivation #fitnessjourney #fitnessmodel #gymgrind #workoutmotivation #fitnesslifestyle #lifestyle #fitbit #upperbody #strongnotskinny #gymlife #gymsharkwomen #weightlosstransformation #muscle #cali

KN Aesthetics & Performance (@katieneeson) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Came across this in my camera roll from last May- Believe it or not.. these pictures are 5 minutes apart? In the first picture I look lean and in the second I genuinely look pregnant due to how my stomach is so swollen! I’ve really grown some confidence to post stuff like this , I’m usually a perfectionist when it comes to social media and what I post as it’s out into the world as soon as it’s posted there’s no going back – but I’ve decided to share it with you to show you! I’m not always like this there are times of day I’m very bloated or even after I eat certain food types I look so much bigger such as bread or oats. Be you! And learn to love the body you are in.. I’m still trying to do this and trying to focus on my mindset more than anything right now as they say the mind gives up a lot quicker than the body does.. remember that? No one is perfect. #motivationmonday #motivation #transformation #transformationpic #booty? #upperbody #abs #weightlosstransformation #fitfam #fitnessjourney #fitnesswomen #strongwomen #strongnotskinny #gymmotivation #fitnessjourney #fitnessmodel #bodypositive #fitgirl #gymgirl #gymselfie #legday #girlswholift #girlswhosquat #gymsharkwomen #fitnessgoal #inspirational #bodygoals #positivity #gymgrind #fitnesslifestyle #healthylifestyle

KN Aesthetics & Performance (@katieneeson) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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