
Idősödő apatest volt, tökéletes alkatú bodybuilder lett belőle

  • Szerző:nuus
  • 2019.04.21 | 11:18

Jeremiah Peterson döbbenetes átalakuláson esett át: 40 évesen túlsúlyos és gyenge volt, felszívta magát azon, hogy még túrázni se tud a gyerekeivel, és életmódot váltott. Az eredmény inspiráló.


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The truth of the matter is we are in a place of transformation. Transforming is nothing to be ashamed of. Because if we are not in a place of transition…Then we are standing still. Like our feet are plastered to a singular place.That place of standing still isn’t in quiet reflection either. It’s a place of suffocating internal madness.It’s a place where we feel stagnant and unimportant. If you have ever felt this or feel this know you aren’t alone. Also know YOU CAN make a change. IF NOT KNOW THEN WHEN? WHY NOT RIGHT NOW? Do not waste another day of your life wishing for something! Take your life into your own hands! My gosh! Life is too short to waste the opportunities right in front of your face right now!Quit wasting opportunities to make your life better!!! N o O pportunity W asted You have to change! If you don’t change the next 5 years of your life will likely be exactly like the last 5 years! YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Make a choice to change something RIGHT NOW! You don’t like your body, make a change. Throw away the junk food. The fact that you are not happy has NOTHING to do with what you have or do not have. You are unhappy because your life doesn’t match the way you think it should be. You have an idea of what you and your life should be like… If I can do it, or someone else can do you YOU CAN TOO!!! Do something NOW that confirms in your head and your heart that you mean business! Quit lying to yourself. Quit short changing yourself. DO SOMETHING NOW!!!

The Keto Fitness Coach (@jeremiahpetersonmontana) által megosztott bejegyzés,


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DON’T MAKE EXCUSES!!! WE ALL HAVE THE TIME FOR WHAT IS IMPORTANT. I get a lot of feedback about my fitness journey “you must spend all day in the gym” or “it must be nice to have that kind of time” or “what about work and family”. The truth is I run 2 businesses that I work at 7 days a week, I have 3 kids who all participate in multiple sports and programs and I still have a social life. It’s just my wife and I who run the businesses, no employees, our house is clean and no we don’t have a maid and our cars are running because I fix them. Beyond work and the gym I read books, I watch tv, I love cooking and my family and I go to church every Sunday and spend the rest of the day together. Trust me I understand busy. The difference is I don’t look at it as busy, I see it as being productive. I want to be productive. Believe me- If I can find the time and persistence to make these goals happen, so can you!

The Keto Fitness Coach (@jeremiahpetersonmontana) által megosztott bejegyzés,


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WHAT IS YOUR WHY? I want to get into shape because I don’t have enough energy to be productive at work. I want to be productive at work because it’s important to provide for my family. I want to provide for my family because being a great parent is rewarding. I want to be an amazing parent because I believe it’s part of leading a good life. My family has and always will be my why. Finding your reason why is essential if you want to achieve success in life. If you don’t have a strong reason behind your actions you are less likely to get the results. Your why will pull you up when you feel like you don’t have the strength anymore. Your why will keep you fighting when everyone else thinks you are down for the count. Who are you fighting for? WHAT GETS YOU OUT OF BED IN THE MORNING AND WHAT KEEPS YOU UP AT NIGHT? WHAT EXCITES YOU? Is your purpose your family? Is it to prove the doubters wrong? Or is it to prove it to yourself that you can do it? Your purpose will always be what lights that fire in you. I WILL DO THIS. NO MATTER WHAT! MY FAMILY IS COUNTING ON ME!

The Keto Fitness Coach (@jeremiahpetersonmontana) által megosztott bejegyzés,


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TODAY IS THE DAY!!! WE ALL WANT TO HAVE CONFIDENCE IN OURSELVES. Self-confidence is something we build by setting goals for ourselves and achieving them. The harder the goal, the more confidence we gain from reaching it. For myself, a lot of my self-confidence has come from meeting my fitness and body image goals from my transformation. If you’re suffering from a lack of self-confidence and searching for a way to improve yours, try setting some fitness or weight loss goals. When you achieve them, you’ll gain the confidence to believe you can do more. Then your going to find you don’t just have confidence with your body, but in other aspects of your life as well. Do it now. Make sure that you take some step, right now, to further your progress. One of the things I’ve learned over my transformation is that the “I’ll do it tomorrow” promise is never fulfilled. Never ever. Tomorrow will fill up with the same distractions and mind-numbing tasks as yesterday, and that promise will be broken. The thing about promises is that the more we break, the harder it gets to fulfill them in the future. The only time to do something is right now. Do something! Don’t wait until tomorrow, don’t wait ten minutes, don’t wait at all. Let’s do this together! I will be your personal one on one Coach. No computerized programs or a staff of hundreds of people. Just a normal person that’s been there and knows what it takes to change your life forever.

The Keto Fitness Coach (@jeremiahpetersonmontana) által megosztott bejegyzés,


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I think my face in the second picture explains exactly what I was thinking. I even surprised myself with what I accomplished in 150 Days!!! YES, 150 DAY’S!!! Everyone has stretches of time where they don’t see a ton of change. In all areas of life. But you keep doing it. Day after day. You keep going. You don’t give up when you don’t see immediate results. Because when you trust the process… YOU WILL have days where you wake up and even surprise yourself. Live for those moments. Do the work. Never give up! Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep going. A Tough situation will build you so much stronger in the end. . . . #fitnesstransformation #fitness #fitnessmotivation #nevergoingback #arete #dothework #neversettle #keto #ketodiet #ketotransformation #ketogenicdiet #ketogenic #ketogeniclifestyle #ketolife #ketosis #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #weightloss #weightlosssupport #weightlossstory #weightlossmotivation #weightlossdiary #weightlosschallenge #missoula #physique #gladiator #hardestworkerintheroom #ketofitness #theketofitnesscoach

The Keto Fitness Coach (@jeremiahpetersonmontana) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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